Welcome to my blog! I am Melissa and my husband and I have been married since October 10, 2009. We bought our "forever home" in October of 2008 and we love our old 100 year old home and all of the charm it offers. We are passionate about DYI projects and we've got a few under our belts with this house so far. With the start of the new year we are excited to extend our family:) Stop by from time to time to watch us grow:)

Monday, December 31, 2012

30 weeks!

How Far Along: 30 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a head of cabbage

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I originally gained 7 lbs, but last time I went in I lost 4:(

Maternity Clothes: I am pretty much out of my regular clothes and fully into the maternity:)

Gender: All boy:)

Movement: He's on a pretty regular schedule now:) He's up when I am and sleeping when I am! Hope this is a good sign!:)

Sleep: I am still feeling very sleepy and finding myself going to sleep at 8PM most nights but once I hit the sheets I find myself tossing and turning to try to get a comfy position. Lately, I have been sleeping in the spare bedroom to get some rest!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...although I have been feeling so much better lately, but not 100%.

Cravings: I pretty much eat just about anything and everything:)

Symptoms: I am mostly just so tired!

Best Moment this week: Loving watching my belly move around with the hubbs:)

30 weeks:)

Here are some of our awesome maternity pictures:) Of course, sharing little baby's name...Ezra John Ayala:)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 24


How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of an ear of corn

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't been weighing myself regularly..but I am sure I have gained a few:)

Maternity Clothes: I am pretty much out of my regular clothes and fully into the maternity:)

Gender: All boy:)

Movement: He's on a pretty regular schedule now:) He's up when I am and sleeping when I am! Hope this is a good sign!:)

Sleep: I am still feeling very sleepy and finding myself going to sleep at 8PM most nights but once I hit the sheets I find myself tossing and turning to try to get a comfy position. Lately, I have been sleeping in the spare bedroom to get some rest!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...although I have been feeling so much better lately, but not 100%.

Cravings: I pretty much eat just about anything and everything:)

Symptoms: I am mostly just so tired!

Best Moment this week: Finally picking a name for our little man:)

-Santino and Melissa Ayala

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 18

I don't have my week 18 chalkboard pic quite yet! It's bee a busy weekend of running around:) But I do have this last pic of me at 18 weeks:) *October 06,12*

How Far Along: 18 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a bell pepper

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't been weighing myself regularly..but I am sure I have gained a few:)

Maternity Clothes: I am pretty much out of my regular clothes and fully into the maternity:)

Gender: Not yet!!!

Movement: A few flutters here and there but nothing too crazy yet!

Sleep: I am still feeling very sleepy and finding myself going to sleep at 8PM most nights but once I hit the sheets I find myself tossing and turning to try to get a comfy position.

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...although I have been feeling so much better lately, but not 100%.

Cravings: I pretty much eat just about anything and everything:)

Symptoms: I am mostly just so tired!

Best Moment this week: We're using the doopler we got a few weeks ago and listen to baby quite frequently:)

-Santino and Melissa Ayala

Thursday, September 20, 2012

15 weeks

How Far Along: 15 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of an apple

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't been weighing myself regularly..but I am sure I have gained a few:)

Maternity Clothes: I am pretty much out of my regular clothes and fully into the maternity:)

Gender: Not yet!!!

Movement: Nothing yet:) Any day now!

Sleep: I sleep ALL the time! I am SO tired constantly!! I struggle to stay awake until 8 most work nights!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...although I have been feeling so much better lately, but not 100%.

Cravings: I eat the heck outta popsicles, pickles, BBQ potato chips:)

Symptoms: You name it, I've got it. Sore boobs, fatique, morning sickness, nausea, tired...oh so tired!

Best Moment this week: We got a doppler to have at home and it's been the best thing whenever we want to hear baby As heartbeat:)

-Santino and Melissa Ayala

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week 11

Little baby Ayala at 10w5d:)

Week 11-I feel like I am beginning to look pregnant now!

This is a sneak peek into baby's room:) My Saturday project!

How Far Along: 11 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lime

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't think I have gained any weight yet...but I sure have been eating a lot more!

Maternity Clothes: I have bought a ton of maternity clothing and can't wait to start wearing it! I have been wearing a few pairs of maternity jeans here and there.

Gender: Not yet!!!

Movement: Nothing yet:) Too early!

Sleep: I sleep ALL the time! I am SO tired constantly!! I struggle to stay awake until 8 most work nights!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...I've felt so sick and uneasy lately.

Cravings: No cravings...but I've always love eating:)

Symptoms: You name it, I've got it. Sore boobs, fatique, morning sickness, nausea, tired...oh so tired!

Best Moment this week: Going to the Dr and seeing baby on the ultrasound and seeing the heartbeat.

-Santino and Melissa Ayala

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 6

How Far Along: 6 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a pea

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't think I have gained any weight yet...but I sure have been eating a lot more!

Maternity Clothes: I have bought a ton of maternity clothing and can't wait to start wearing it! I know, I know...sounds nuts huh? But have you ever tried anything maternity on? Its so comfy!

Gender: Not yet!!!

Movement: Nothing yet:) Too early!

Sleep: I sleep ALL the time! I am SO tired constantly!! I struggle to stay awake until 8 most work nights!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...I've felt so sick and uneasy lately.

Cravings: No cravings...but I've always love eating:)

Symptoms: You name it, I've got it. Sore boobs, fatique, morning sickness, nausea, tired...oh so tired!

Best Moment this week: Nothing really...just knowing baby has a brain and facial features forming:)

Still SO very tired and still sleeping as much as I can:) Nothing much has changed but Monday the 23rd is my first Dr appointment!!:) Too exciting!

-Melissa & Santino

Thursday, July 12, 2012

5 weeks

So it's still very early and I wanted to start a weekly post on how the pregnancy is going:)

How Far Along: 5 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a seasame seed

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't think I have gained any weight yet...but I sure have been eating a lot more!

Maternity Clothes: I have bought a ton of maternity clothing and can't wait to start wearing it! I know, I know...sounds nuts huh? But have you ever tried anything maternity on? Its so comfy!

Gender: Not yet!!!

Movement: Nothing yet:) Too early!

Sleep: I sleep ALL the time! I am SO tired constantly!! I struggle to stay awake until 8 most work nights!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...I've felt so sick and uneasy lately.

Cravings: No cravings...but I've always love eating:)

Symptoms: You name it, I've got it. Sore boobs, fatique, morning sickness, nausea, tired...oh so tired!

Best Moment this week: Nothing really...just knowing babys heart has been developed and it's facial features are taking shape:)

As I have mentioned, I am exhausted non stop. I have read online this should pass after the first trimester and I am hoping it's true:) We are so excited for this and we cant even begin to explain it! We've been looking at names in books and I have been reading What To Expect When You're Expecting and am learning some interesting stuff:)

That's all for now. I need sleep!


Thursday, March 15, 2012


We're on to getting a new roof now!! It kinda fell in our lap because of a little fiasco with the insurance company not loving our 100 yr old home and all of the updates needed to keep it up. *sigh* Being an adult stinks and I don't know what we were all thinking when we were kids and we wanted to grow up so darn badly! whatb were we thinking?

Anyways, will post before pics of the house/roof soon!!

-Melissa & Santino

Monday, February 20, 2012

A little update

Last weekend the hubbs and I celebrated Valentine's day and I ended up surprising him with a trip to Des Moines for two nights:) He gets off work earlier than I do and so I left work early right after he did and without him knowing, I had all of our bags packed and loaded in the car and so I just had to get him in the car. Of course, it was a piece of cake by just telling him I was needing to run errands and wanted him to run along with me. We stopped at a Casey's and I gave him the card with the hotel reservation while I filled up the tank and he was thrilled to know he didn't have to work and could just enjoy his time off work!! So off we were to a fun filled weekend in Des Moines. We already knew we were going to be furniture shopping because we sold all of ours a few weeks ago. Lookie at what we're anxiously expecting...
It's a lovely LARGE sofa that two people can lay on and snuggle:) Yes..we were those people in the furniture store spooning on the showroom floor sofa! LOL So after 6 hrs of couch shopping we were excited to pick out that baby! Santino was excited for his V-Day gift..a new tablet!

I think he was excited:) We had a wonderful weekend of shopping, good food, and of course, awesome company:) Oooh, and we also booked our trip to MeXiCo! WOOHOO!We love Puerto Vallarta and since baby making isn't moving as quickly as we had hoped, we're enjoying another wonderful vacation with my mom and dad on board too:)
Well this was a great long weekend for us, but we're off and ready to go to bed for another wonderful work week starting tomorrow.
Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

Santino & Melissa Ayala

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bachelorette Party Weekend!

I have been stressing for the past few weeks about planning a Bachelorette Party for my BFF, Lacey. Yesterday we had the party and I think it was a success:) I feel like a HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders and I am SO ready for next weekend to relax with my hubbs for V-Day:) But here are a few pics from the party:)

This is the dining room of the Bride's house all decorated:)

Here is all of the goodies for the Bride to wear:)

We had an 80's theme party, so here are all of the 80's themed party favors for guests:)

We started the night at Studio Fusion. It's a glass shop where you can make awesome items from glass.

We went out for dinner and a few drinks after the glass shop.

 Here is the bride all dressed and ready to enjoy her night:)
 Here are all us bridesmaids in our 80's gear.
And the back of our 80's shirts I had made for us:)

We all had an awesome time and Lacey was excited with everything we did for her. Now it's on to the Bridal Shower in 2 weeks and the wedding in March:) Next weekend will be the weekend the hubbs and I celebrate Valentines day. Normally we don't do much, but I do have a few surprises up my sleeve for him and I will be sure to post everything about next weekend.

Thanks for checking in:)

Until next time...

Santino & Melissa Ayala

Friday, January 27, 2012


I am feeling like I am neglecting this blog and I don't want that to be the idea at all. I think we are finally getting back to "normal" life again...besides the vanity sitting in the entry way and the drywall in the dining room. We are pretty much done with the remodel of BOTH bathrooms. On the main flood bath we just need to install the last piece of trim...-we ran a wee bit short of trim and so the project went to a halt when we decided to go to do the trim and it was al gone..and we already said the vanity was the last thing to be installed in there since it takes up almost 1/2 of the room. It's been so tough getting the motivation to actually work on that bathroom with the hubby and I both working 50+ hrs a week and him still working at his 2nd job on Saturdays. If only I were a plumber:) One thing we are dreading about the main bath on the 2nd floor is putting the door back on the bathroom..LOL I know it sounds ridiculous, but we actually thought about putting in a pocket door but those dreams were smashed when we had to switch the wall of the stool because of how the joists ran in the house. Another BOO. So we've been avoiding sticking that door back on there and I have to admit, it's been nice with a wide open bathroom...although a bit chilly at times:) After a few weeks of showering/bathing in there the hubby did realize the fan wasn't really function properly if we would turn it off immediately after we were done showering. It's recommended that you run the fan for at least 30 min after showering. He found a handy timer for that switch, you turn it on like normal and it starts a timer and runs for 1 hour. How awesome is that:) It's especially helpful in the AM when we shower one after another most times and it gets steamy in there:) Now if I can just get him into the bathroom downstairs...we would be set:)

On to the baby making side of our lives...we're still trying. We are excited for this challenge and we hope everything works out well for us and that we do get blessed with beautiful babies some day:) It has only been almost 6 months since we started trying and we're still very optimistic about what's to come for us. We did get some exciting news that my brother Corey and his girlfriend, Tracy, are expecting:) I am excited to become an aunt:) Tracy has a little boy from before my brother and I consider him my nephew:) So hoping for a little niece this time:) I had a bit of a heavy heart when I found out they were pregnant, of course because we have been trying for a few months, but it's all good and it is going to work out well for us:) My parents are thrilled to become grandparents for the first time:) It's an exciting time for our family!!

Life is good:)

We will soon post photos of the new main floor bathroom:)

Until next time...

Santino & Melissa Ayala

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone:) We've added a few finishing touches on our full bathroom and we're nearly done with the room. We need to focus our attention on our main floor bath so we can get this house back to normal. I am so tired of having drywall in my dining room and dodging 2x4's in the kitchen. The time will soon come:) But with working full time and usually working late, we never want to work on the bathroom after work and of course, weekends are for relaxing...haha.

On the bright side, the hubby and I are officially trying for baby burrito*I call Santino my burrito and so it only makes sense that our offspring will be called baby burrito*..:) Well technically we started trying in October on our 2 year anniversary but we had hoped it would have happened quickly and we would be able to share with the family at Christmas. Of course, things didn't work out that way for us. But we are still trying! Over the past year I have been collecting baby items that I could find on sale for super cheap. I already have a ton of ideas and I know where I want to go with the baby room and theme. Check out these cute colors and other pictures I found on Pinterest:)

I bought this awesome buffet off of craigslist for super cheap and ended up painting it a mint green color and gave it a distressed finish and plan to use it for a baby changing table:) I absolutely love the owl theme and I adore the weekly photos that Sherry and John Petersik from younghouselove.com , my favorite blog and one that I find myself checking daily on updates:) They took a photo a week of their beautiful baby girl for her first year and displayed the photos at her 1st birthday. Such an awesome idea!

So now that we don't have to be all secretive about everything and we are excited about trying to start our family:) We hope for all of the support and love from all of our friends and loved ones.

Santino & Melissa Ayala