Welcome to my blog! I am Melissa and my husband and I have been married since October 10, 2009. We bought our "forever home" in October of 2008 and we love our old 100 year old home and all of the charm it offers. We are passionate about DYI projects and we've got a few under our belts with this house so far. With the start of the new year we are excited to extend our family:) Stop by from time to time to watch us grow:)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 24


How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of an ear of corn

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't been weighing myself regularly..but I am sure I have gained a few:)

Maternity Clothes: I am pretty much out of my regular clothes and fully into the maternity:)

Gender: All boy:)

Movement: He's on a pretty regular schedule now:) He's up when I am and sleeping when I am! Hope this is a good sign!:)

Sleep: I am still feeling very sleepy and finding myself going to sleep at 8PM most nights but once I hit the sheets I find myself tossing and turning to try to get a comfy position. Lately, I have been sleeping in the spare bedroom to get some rest!

What I miss: Feeling "normal"...although I have been feeling so much better lately, but not 100%.

Cravings: I pretty much eat just about anything and everything:)

Symptoms: I am mostly just so tired!

Best Moment this week: Finally picking a name for our little man:)

-Santino and Melissa Ayala

1 comment:

  1. Just checked in and read your entire baby progress reports :-)

    Hey, it looks like you're pregnant! Hee hee! Yeah, I know you are :-)

    Take care, rest, listen to the baby, enjoy :-)
