Welcome to my blog! I am Melissa and my husband and I have been married since October 10, 2009. We bought our "forever home" in October of 2008 and we love our old 100 year old home and all of the charm it offers. We are passionate about DYI projects and we've got a few under our belts with this house so far. With the start of the new year we are excited to extend our family:) Stop by from time to time to watch us grow:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

A little update

Last weekend the hubbs and I celebrated Valentine's day and I ended up surprising him with a trip to Des Moines for two nights:) He gets off work earlier than I do and so I left work early right after he did and without him knowing, I had all of our bags packed and loaded in the car and so I just had to get him in the car. Of course, it was a piece of cake by just telling him I was needing to run errands and wanted him to run along with me. We stopped at a Casey's and I gave him the card with the hotel reservation while I filled up the tank and he was thrilled to know he didn't have to work and could just enjoy his time off work!! So off we were to a fun filled weekend in Des Moines. We already knew we were going to be furniture shopping because we sold all of ours a few weeks ago. Lookie at what we're anxiously expecting...
It's a lovely LARGE sofa that two people can lay on and snuggle:) Yes..we were those people in the furniture store spooning on the showroom floor sofa! LOL So after 6 hrs of couch shopping we were excited to pick out that baby! Santino was excited for his V-Day gift..a new tablet!

I think he was excited:) We had a wonderful weekend of shopping, good food, and of course, awesome company:) Oooh, and we also booked our trip to MeXiCo! WOOHOO!We love Puerto Vallarta and since baby making isn't moving as quickly as we had hoped, we're enjoying another wonderful vacation with my mom and dad on board too:)
Well this was a great long weekend for us, but we're off and ready to go to bed for another wonderful work week starting tomorrow.
Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

Santino & Melissa Ayala

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bachelorette Party Weekend!

I have been stressing for the past few weeks about planning a Bachelorette Party for my BFF, Lacey. Yesterday we had the party and I think it was a success:) I feel like a HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders and I am SO ready for next weekend to relax with my hubbs for V-Day:) But here are a few pics from the party:)

This is the dining room of the Bride's house all decorated:)

Here is all of the goodies for the Bride to wear:)

We had an 80's theme party, so here are all of the 80's themed party favors for guests:)

We started the night at Studio Fusion. It's a glass shop where you can make awesome items from glass.

We went out for dinner and a few drinks after the glass shop.

 Here is the bride all dressed and ready to enjoy her night:)
 Here are all us bridesmaids in our 80's gear.
And the back of our 80's shirts I had made for us:)

We all had an awesome time and Lacey was excited with everything we did for her. Now it's on to the Bridal Shower in 2 weeks and the wedding in March:) Next weekend will be the weekend the hubbs and I celebrate Valentines day. Normally we don't do much, but I do have a few surprises up my sleeve for him and I will be sure to post everything about next weekend.

Thanks for checking in:)

Until next time...

Santino & Melissa Ayala